Colin Coulson-Thomas: Speaking Events
Selected organisations at whose events Prof. Colin Coulson-Thomas has spoken at
- 3Com
- 3SE
- ABI (Rome)
- ACCA Corporate Sector Network
- ACCA South Africa
- AICAR Research Conference
- Al-Suwaidi Holding Co
- Amity University
- Annual Board of Directors (Dubai)
- Annual Business Performance Summit
- Annual Company Secretaries Conference
- Annual Corporate Governance and Directors Duties Excellence (Kuala Lumpur)
- Annual Global LNG Tech Summit (Barcelona)
- Annual Public Sector Performance Management (Abu Dhabi)
- Aristeia
- Asia-Pacific Conference of Management Consultants
- Association for Project Management
- Association of Information Technology
- Association of MBAs (AMBA)
- Association of Proposal Management Professionals
- Aston Business School
- AUA Annual Open Forum for Managing Change in Higher Education
- Awards for Innovation in Electronic Commerce
- Balkan HR Summit
- Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation
- Belgian Teleworking Association
- BOC Group
- Bombay Stock Exchange
- Bow Group
- BP
- BPMG Global Business Process Forum
- British Accounting Association
- British American Business Council
- British Computer Society
- British Council
- British Institute of Management
- BT Global Services
- Business Development Forum
- Business Process Management Conference Europe
- Butler Cox Foundation
- Cambridge Enterprise Conference
- Centre for Indian Business
- Centre for the Study of the Professions
- CFO Top International, Düsseldorf
- Charles Schwab Europe
- Chartered Institute of Management/British Institute of Management
- Chartered Institute of Marketing/Institute of Marketing
- Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (Institute of Personnel Management)
- Chartered Institute of Public Relations
- Chief Education Officers Workshop
- CHILL (SHA Senior Management)
- CIMA JDipMA Chapter Annual Lecture
- City Technology Colleges Trust
- City University Business School (Cass)
- Company of Management Consultants Annual/Education Lecture
- Company Secretary Forum (Dubai)
- Composites Europe, 2005
- Computer Weekly
- Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
- Confederation of British Metalforming (CBM)
- Conference on Corporate Communication
- Consulate General of India, Dubai (Global Business Meet)
- Contact Centre Association (CCA) Annual Convention
- Corporate Governance and Directors Duties Excellence (Singapore)
- CRAC (Carers Research Advisory Center)
- Crossbencher Programme
- CSC Directors Forum
- CSR Leadership Summit
- Department of Social Security
- Dubai Global Convention
- Dubai Knowledge Village
- Dubai Leadership Masterclass for Public Executives
- Dubai Quality Group
- Dubai Police
- East China University of Science and Technology
- EDOMEC Brussels
- e-Government Summit
- Electricity Council Staff College
- Emirates Bank International
- Essex County Council
- ESTA-Bildungswerk
- e-TQM College, Dubai
- Etisalat Academy Centre of Excellence
- European Commission
- European Consortium for the Learning Organisation (ECLO)
- European Flexible Working Conference
- European Institute of Purchasing Management Annual Purchasing Conference
- European Telework Congress
- Eventscom / Times of Oman
- EVN Austria
- Executives Association of Great Britain
- Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria
- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
- FICCI (India)
- Finance Directors Forum
- Focus Group
- Foundation for Science and Technology
- Fundacao Getulio Vargas
- Future Work Forum
- GARI International Conference
- General Directors Programme (Russia)
- Glavbuch
- Glaxo
- Global Conference on Social Responsibility
- Global Convention Dubai
- Global Convention London
- Global Convention on Climate Security
- Global Convention on Corporate Ethics and Risk Management
- Global LNG Tech Summit
- Global Mobility Network
- Global Summit on Sustainability
- Global Information Technology Summit
- Gordon Institute of Business Studies (University of Pretoria)
- Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service
- Head Teachers Workshop (UBI)
- Helsinki University of Technology
- Henley Business School
- Henley Management College
- H J Heinz
- Hojgaard and Schultz
- HRdergi Performance, Compensation and Reward Management Summit (Istanbul)
- HR Leaders’ Club
- HR Technologies Summit
- Human Resources Development Week
- Iberconsult
- IBGC (Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance)
- IBM Europe/international
- ICAEW Annual Financial Controllers Conference
- iFestival
- IIMB (Bangalore)
- IMCI Asia-Pacific Conference of Management Consultants
- IMP National Conference
- India CSR Leadership Awards
- Indian Institute of Directors
- Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
- Institute of Business Advisers Annual Conference
- Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales
- Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
- Institute of Company Secretaries of India
- Institute of Customer Management
- Institute of Directors (IoD)
- Institute of Directors (IoD) Global Convention 2011
- Institute of Directors of India – Masterclass for Directors
- Institute of Directors of Nigeria
- Institute of Industrial Engineers (Ireland)
- Institute of Leadership and Management
- Institute of Management Consultants Annual Conference
- Institute of Management Services
- Institute of Manpower Studies
- Institute of Personnel Management (CIPD) Annual Conference
- Institute of Public Relations
- Institution of Electrical Engineers
- International Conference on Corporate Governance
- International Conference on Corporate Governance and Board Leadership
- International Conference on Corporate Governance and Sustainability
- International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility
- International Conference on Engaged Research in Organisation and Management
- International Conference on Environment Management
- International Conference on Managing Innovation in Public Services
- International Conference on Social Responsibility
- Investors in People
- IQA/EQO World Quality Congress
- Jebel Ali Free Zone – JAFZA (Dubai)
- Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation
- Kodak
- Kuwait Investment Companies Union
- Kvaerner
- Latin American Human Capital Forum
- Leading Edge Academy
- Lead to Success (Bahrain)
- Lincoln Academy
- Logica
- LogicaCMG
- London Banks Personnel Managers Group
- London Business School
- London Global Convention on Corporate Governance and Sustainability
- London Global Convention on Governance and Sustainability
- London School of Economics
- Lotus Development
- Lucas Engineering
- Lufthansa Global Cargo Forum
- Management Charter Initiative
- Management Development Institute, India
- Management Systems Training Council
- MashreqBank
- McMaster University
- Meetings Professionals International
- Ministry of Petroleum, Nigeria
- Mouchel
- National Federation of Builders
- National Grid
- National Marketing Group
- National Small Firms Policy and Research Conference
- Neste Corporation
- Networks Annual Conference
- New Leadership (Kuala Lumpur)
- Next Generation UK India Network
- Nigerian National Petroleum Company
- Nijenrode University
- Nova Networks
- NSK Bearings
- OECD Business Symposium
- Office for National Statistics
- Order of St Lazarus
- PA Consulting
- Passport Service
- Personnel Today
- Peterborough Regional College
- Petroleum Technology Development Agency, Nigeria
- Real Time Club
- Regional Government of Bizkaia
- Research Networking Conference
- Richmond Group Annual Conference
- RIMS Annual ERM Conference
- Robson Rhodes
- Round Table on Global Governance
- SciTech Enterprise Conference
- Scottish and Newcastle Breweries
- Severomoravska Energetika AS
- SeverStal
- Sheffield Hallam University
- Skills and Enterprise Network
- SOAS Public Sector Leaders
- SOAS, University of London
- Social Market Foundation
- Society for Cost Analysis and Forecasting
- Society of Company and Commercial Accountants
- Sri Sharada Institute of Indian Management-Research
- Strategic HR Conference, Europe
- Strategic Outlook Dinner
- Strategic Planning Society
- Sundridge Park Management Centre
- Talent Pool (high fliers network)
- Team Europe
- TEC National Conference
- Teleworking European Assembly
- Templeton College, Oxford
- The Business Club
- The London Banks Personnel Managers Group
- The Marketing Society
- The Personnel Directors Development Forum
- The Robert Gordon University
- The Spirit of Enterprise Awards (Keynote)
- The Workplace Forum
- Toronto BPR Leadership Forum
- Total Quality Management in Financial Services Conference
- Trent SHA
- Triad
- UK Association of Proposal Management Professionals
- UK India Business Council
- UK Passport Service
- University of Aston
- University of Greenwich
- University of Helsinki
- University of Lincoln
- University of Manchester
- University of Minas Gerais
- University of Toronto
- Utilities Annual Performance Improvement Forum
- U Ventures, Stockholm
- Willmott Dixon
- Winning New Business Industry Forum
- World Class Corporate Governance and Directors Duties Excellence (Dubai & Cape Town)
- World Council on Corporate Governance
- World Congress on Business Excellence and Innovation
- World Congress on Environment Management
- World Congress on Leadership
- World Congress on Leadership for Business Excellence & Innovation
- World Congress on Total Quality
- World Congress on Total Quality and Leadership
- Worshipful Company of Management Consultants
- Xerox
If you would like to invite Colin to speak at an event you are organising please contact us