Transforming Public Services … A quicker and affordable route to high performance public organisations

Author: Colin Coulson-Thomas
Published in association with Adaptation

Many areas of the public sector face financial constraints and/or increases in demand that are outstripping available resources. At the same time policy makers and the public are impatient for responses and results. While still calling for improvements and new initiatives, they may not be prepared to wait for multi-year transformation programmes to deliver results, even if these were cost effective and likely to succeed.

This 200 page A4 size report sets out a practical route to transforming public services, building high performance organisations and quickly achieving multiple objectives. The approach can avoid traditional trade-offs and benefits people and organisations.

Table of Contents:
About the Author
Other Recent Books and Reports by Colin Coulson-Thomas
Executive Summary
1: Creating High Performance Public Organisations
2: Underpinning Investigation of Performance Levers
3: Addressing Continuing Concerns and Challenges
4: Reducing Risk and Enabling Compliance
5: Talent Management
6: Communicating and Engaging with Staff and the Public
7: 24/7 Learning and Development
8: Supporting Innovation and Diffusion
9: Procurement and Supporting Responsible Decision Making
10: Supporting Communities of Professionals
11: Transforming Healthcare Services
12: Adopting and Implementing Performance Support
13: Embracing ‘New Leadership’

The report contains mini-case studies that illustrate a successful response to a generic challenge facing organisations. For each organisation the mini-case study briefly presents the problem addressed, what was done, results achieved and subsequent situation, what made difference and main learning points.

Also Available from Policy Publications:
Development Programmes based on Critical Success Factors and the Superior Ways of High Performers

Transforming Public Services, A quicker and more cost effective route to the high performance organisation (200 pages; ISBN 978-1-872980-54-6) is available price £175 plus p&p

Weight: 720g

For further information and to purchase contact Colin Coulson-Thomas